Strassmann Poker Death

Posted By admin On 26/07/22

Weekly Wednesday Night Poker Report #9, 3rd place is just the first loser

  1. The first European to win three WSOP bracelets. Poker Triple Crown winner. #1 on his country's all-time money list. Universally considered one of the most creative and talented poker pros in the world. Also, to most: a bit of a mystery. We've long considered Belgium's Davidi Kitai one of poker’s most fascinating characters. And his trademark.
  2. The 2008 European Poker Tour London Main Event ended in dramatic. Seat 2 — Johannes Strassmann (Germany) –434,000. I’ve been beat to death on A/2 all.
  3. 3pm: The chip leader is dead, long live the chip leader! Overnight chip leader Sander Berndsen has not had a good day. He started with 242,900 and was down.
  4. Sean Connery's Cause of Death Revealed Weeks After He Dies at Age 90 Sean Connery died on Oct. 31 at age 90 Coronavirus.

Poker Pro Johannes Strassmann Confirmed Deceased in Slovenia 29-year-old German poker pro Johannes Strassmann has been confirmed deceased following a week-long missing-person case in Slovenia.

Hello everyone. Time for another wednesday night poker report. We had 20 players for a $50 freezeout. Lets get to the highlights.


Strassmann Poker Deathrun

Feeling a little ill this week. I decided to just show up for the tourney and skip the early/late cash games this week. $50 freezeout. Bought in about 8:30 and got the tournament underway. Nothing much happening in the first hour. Fold, fold, fold, then I looked down and saw pocket 8’s on the button. I call and the flop comes 2h 5d 8s. Blinds are at 100/200, 3 players check to me and i bet out 400. 2 callers. Turn = Qs. 1 player checks, the next bets 200. I raise it to 600. 1 folder, 1 call. Heads up, he either has queens or is on a flush draw. River = 3h. He checks and I bet 1000, call and I turn over trips to his 2 pair.


Next hand: 6s/7s Late position. blinds 100/200. I call. Flop = 10h 5s 8s…..WOW..I’ve flopped a straight AND a straight flush draw. Big blind bets with 2 callers including me. 3 players to the turn. Turn = 9h. Well I’ve hit my straight except there’s a chance my straight will be beat by a bigger straight. Big blind bets, Early position folds and I call. Heads up to the River. River = Jd. Okay still have a straight but I can be beat by a Q. Big blind checks…smells like a trap to me so I check as well….unbelievable..he turns over 2 pair….and I turn over the straight. Should have bet there but….a win is a win is a win.

Next hand: As/10s on the button. blinds are 400/800. Stack = 14,000. Folds all around to me, and see a good chance at stealing the blinds. I raise to 1600. To my amazement and dismay both blinds call. Flop = 9s Qd 8d….Check, check, I check as well. Turn = 2s…check, check, I decide to test the waters and bet out 800. Both call, Im figuring Im beat. River = Jc…well that made my straight but there’s a lot of cards out there that beat me. Both blinds check and I turn over my straight. It’s good. Whew!

Next hand:As/10s Big blind. Blinds = 500/1000. Stack = 18000 est. Folks starting to tighten up now. We’re down to 10 players. 1 more and we go to the final table. Folds around to the button who calls, small blind folds. I notice the button has around 2000 left. I decide to raise it and put him all in. He calls. Turns over Ks jc. Heads up…probably %55 to %45. Flop = Ad 2s 5c. Good flop. He’ll need runner runner….Turn = 10d…theres the dagger. I win and we go to the final table. Good lesson here is to always pay attention to other player’s chip stacks. If you get a chance to knock em out…YOU TAKE IT!!

Final Table: 9 players. Chip stack = 25000 est. Im about 7th in chips. But with the blinds going up so fast that can change in a hurry. I hang on like an alligator for the first 30 minutes and then we get down to 5 players. I look down in the big blind and find Ad/Ah. WOW…I got 7000 chips and go ALL IN….I get called by 2 players. All 3 of us are all in…Im in for 7000, next player in for 5000, and the least in for 3000. At least I won’t be out if I lose. Flop comes 5c 4h Kd….Turn = 10s….River = Jc. I’ve got pair of aces, next player has trip 4’s….he gets the small pot…the other player has Jacks and he’s out. In our tournament when we get down to 4 everyone gets their $50 back and the table is open for deals. We agree to take $100 apiece and play for the rest. Unfortunately for me…I didn’t catch another hand….1 player went out before me and then I was forced to go all in with a good buddy hand (10h 4c) and I was out in 3rd place. The other 2 players split what was left of the pot, $480.

Not a bad tournament. Went home $50 winner. When the blinds get up like that…it really comes down to pure ol luck and timing. No matter your chipstack…when those blinds get up to 8000/16000 …ya gotta get the cards to do battle.

Strassmann Poker Death Penalty

So long for now…Im going to take another dose of Nyquil

Strassmann Poker Deaths

Till next time….