Online Poker Tournaments Strategy Tips
Posted By admin On 26/07/22I was recently asked to write an article for the school discussing 5 tips to winning poker tournaments, centred on the following 5 concepts. They all are very relevant to long term tournament poker success and somewhat inter-related as well. So without further ado, let’s get on with it.

I was recently asked to write an article for the school discussing 5 tips to winning poker tournaments, centred on the following 5 concepts. They all are very relevant to long term tournament poker success and somewhat inter-related as well. Tournament poker strategy has advanced in leaps and bounds over the past decade.And an 'old-school' style will no longer cut it at the poker tournament tables. In modern tournament poker playing styles, bet-sizing and the general approach to specific situations have all changed drastically. As you master basic online poker strategy, you’ll learn the need for aggression at the table. Playing cautiously is one thing, but amateur players often check when they should wager and call when they should be raising. High value opening hands like A-K should be played more aggressively as per online poker strategy. To help you out, here are the top 10 tips specifically for online poker tournaments that we’ve compiled to help increase your edges (however marginal they may be) over other players. The Best Online Poker Tournaments Tips Are: Take Notes and Mark Your Opponents Always Use a HUD.

Pay Attention to Stack Sizes

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This is something that is mostly overlooked by novice players, but it’s crucial to your strategy when deciding to enter a pot. How deep are the stacks behind you? If there are 3 players with 10-20bb, and you are considering opening, are you going to call or fold should one of them shove? Does the big blind player have 7bb left? If you open raise and they go all in, you will be priced in to call. If your hand isn’t worthy of playing for their last 7bb then think twice before opening. Sometimes a spot that would normally be a steal isn’t one with those shorter stacks behind you. Likewise, are the stacks behind you deep? Increasing your open raise sizing vs. deeper stacks may be in order. All of these nuances are missed if you’re not paying attention to stack sizes.