Online Gambling Payment Gateway

Posted By admin On 30/07/22

Online gambling platforms are considered a profitable business that allows merchants to earn a significant profit. Operating an online casino is becoming more convenient, so it has become easy to open your own online gambling business. However, there are still many details that need to be worked out. Payment gateways are an electronic service that gives businesses a method of allowing their users to make payments. In the online gambling industry, it is essential that this is done smoothly, as users are frequently depositing and withdrawing their money. The payment gateway then processes the transaction and transfers the amount to the merchant account. An online casino payment gateway works on similar lines, albeit with some differences. First of all, gamers will use the payment gateway in order to deposit money in their own accounts.

Online Gaming Payment Gateway


Powerfull Payment Processing

Our mission is focused on your business success. We take all the hassle from you so you can keep working on your business and make it grow.



Our payment processing solution support 180 countries around the world with local acquiring and optimized acceptance rates.

Major Payments Providers

You can get paid via all major payment providers such as MasterCard, Discover, Visa, Diners, JCB and RuPay.

Seamless Integration

Our payment solution integration is super easy and fast. We will integrate it for you.


Online Gambling Payment Gateways

Fast Application

You'll have our payment engineers and developers at your disposal to ensure you're taking payments as soon as possible.


GumballPay's High Risk Payment Gateway account allows you to accept cards on your website with zero hassle. You just need to focus on growing your business whilst we give you the tools to do it. Our GumballPay'shigh risk gateway is a PCI DSS Level I. As well as being compliant, our solution is solid from a tech perspective and will never fail you when connecting to your customers online. But at the end of the day, it is our high risk industry expertise which sets us apart.